Juriba provides end-to-end automation and smart workflows required to manage large IT projects.
Everything you need to manage a specific IT Transformation project or Evergreen IT scenario in one handy project pack.
Juriba Workplace Automation empowers enterprises and large organizations to solve real-world problems.
Juriba empowers all types of organizations but is most often utilized in industries that have a lot of users and devices.
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Migrating to Microsoft Intune requires significant planning across three key areas: inventory, applications, and overall project management. Gathering all the information your business needs to build a migration plan for action with no business-critical screw ups is critical.
You will need to understand the estate of devices under SCCM (or equivalent) management, what applications are supported and distributed via SCCM, decide your operating model (hybrid SCCM/Intune or Intune only), register devices to be able to migrate applications, update, convert, and test applications to .intunewin, and potentially change the way your applications are provisioned for Azure Active Directory.
Sign up and watch Juriba explore the benefits and limitations migrating to Microsoft Intune and what's involved throughout the process. We also walk you through how Juriba's Workplace Automation tools, Dashworks and AppM, can accelerate your migration to Microsoft Intune. Including rapid analysis of what's out there, automated Intune application conversions and packaging to .intunewin, automated Intune application testing, device readiness tracking, the removal of old applications, and more.
CEO & Co-Founder of Juriba
Product Manager
Product Manager
Yes, it's on the way. All webinar registrations will be the first to receive a copy of Juriba's 'Road To Success Microsoft Intune Migration Project Plan Template' coming soon.
The Rise & Rise Of Microsoft Intune: Driving Modern Workplace
Microsoft Intune is rising as one of the top management tools for modern workspace. We explore why, how, and its impact on modern application packaging.
Spotlight on Microsoft Intune: A Modern Desktop Reality vs Hype
A deeper dive. Explore the different areas Microsoft Intune to uncover what the market and users think about this management tool driving the Modern Workplace.
What To Think About When Moving Your App Management To Intune
Moving your application management to Microsoft Intune? We explore what you need to think about with the help of opinions from leading industry experts.
Join us to better understand what's involved in your journey to
Microsoft Intune and how to build a migration plan for action today.