Juriba provides end-to-end automation and smart workflows required to manage large IT projects.
Everything you need to manage a specific IT Transformation project or Evergreen IT scenario in one handy project pack.
Juriba Workplace Automation empowers enterprises and large organizations to solve real-world problems.
Juriba empowers all types of organizations but is most often utilized in industries that have a lot of users and devices.
Download our fully customizable project plan templates incl. > 700 action items and milestones to jump-start your project!
Take a deep dive into Evergreen IT, Microsoft's XaaS release strategy, or Windows servicing!
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We are committed to providing helpful, and in-depth resources for our partners and customers.
Are you struggling with Windows 10 Servicing? Download "The Definitive Guide To Accelerating Your WaaS Management" and benefit from our experience in helping ready more than ten million assets for a successful migration with our Workplace Automation Platform, Dashworks.
Available formats: .pdf
Three out of four IT project managers are apprehensive about how exactly they will manage to roll out a mini-Windows 10 migration every 6-12 months. Just thinking about the complexity of upgrading tens of thousands of end users and a never-ending list of tedious tasks can make you want to pull your hair out.
However, if managed right, this fast cadence of updates can be an opportunity to firmly plant the stepping stones to achieving Evergreen IT — which will lower the workload on your already over-extended team as well as minimize any migration-related risks and business disruptions!
Download The Definitive Guide to Accelerating Your Windows 10 Servicing, written by Juriba's CEO and Co-Founder Barry Angell, to learn how to:
Clearly understand the Windows 10 Servicing concept, the different channel options, and the update timeline logistics
Significantly accelerate your update cycles with minimal business interruption
Develop a well-thought-out plan of attack
Create repeatable processes and reusable project frameworks as well as automate tedious and labor-intensive tasks
and much more
This resource will be revised periodically to reflect any new announcements or guidance.
So, don't wait any longer! Download your copy today!